Meet Rich
Rich Shapero’s novels dare readers with giant metaphors, magnificent obsessions and potent ideas. His casts of idealistic lovers, laboring miners, and rebellious artists all rate ideas as paramount, more important than life itself. They traverse wild landscapes and visionary realms, imagining gods who in turn imagine them. Like the seekers themselves, readers grapple with revealing truths about human potential.
All of his titles—The Hornet’s Spell, Hibiscus Mask, Beneath Caaqi’s Wings, Dreams of Delphine, The Slide That Buried Rightful, Dissolve, Island Fruit Remedy, Balcony of Fog, Rin, Tongue and Dorner, Arms from the Sea, The Hope We Seek, Too Far, and Wild Animus—are available in hardcover and as ebooks. They are also available in multimedia format, combining music, visual art, animation and video in the TooFar Media app. Shapero spins provocative stories for the eyes, ears, and imagination.

Rich on Story
Writing to Extremes
“Our best experiences in fiction,” Rich says, “come from identifying with people in radical circumstances. Biologists are drawn to the ‘edge’ because wild things flourish in the boundary zones. Riverbanks, ocean shallows, breaks in vegetation, the temporal boundaries between night and day, moments of seasonal change— On the personal level, it seems true, as well, that people are tested and revealed most dramatically on the frontier of the self. Opportunities for wisdom occur when we’re pushed to the brink.”
In Rich’s thirteen published novels, truths of our practical world are unraveled and revealed to be the illusions they are.
Imagining our potential to love fully. Uncovering a mystery of identity and love in a foreign land. Facing adolescence alone in a primeval jungle. Waking to life in the womb. The moment of yielding to death, departing this world. The liberation and danger of uncontrolled imagination. A confrontation with rightness at the final comeuppance. These are the subjects of some of Rich’s stories.
“I’m drawn to the moments in life that reveal unexpected truths,” he says. “That’s what excites me.”

What is TooFar Media?
“It’s less a publishing company,” Rich says, “than a creative sandbox. Every project is both a novel and a multimedia experiment. I have no commercial motive. We have a small core team and dozens of collaborators—writers, artists, animators, musicians, and people with knowledge to share that’s relevant to the novel content. From the start, we have made much of the content freely available for whoever might have an interest.
Contact Rich, really. “For those who respond to what we’re doing, I hope they will let us know. TFM is a labor of love, and knowing we’ve reached someone matters to us.”

Rich Shapero Store
Rich’s novels are available in beautifully printed hardcovers and more . . .
Provocative Stories for the Eyes, Ears, and Imagination
The TooFar Media App contains all of Rich’s multimedia novels. Download it here.

Scan and download the TooFar Media App. Available on
iOS and Android.